Monday, October 24, 2016

Texting While Driving

Texting and driving is an increasingly dangerous activity that many people are losing there life to. I read many different sides of the argument and I believe Amy Klobuchar had the best idea. She stated that we must change laws and change attitudes towards texting and driving like we did with seat belts. Harder punishments must be put on people who text and drive to begin to prevent this behavior.  She has encouraged states to enact graduated licensing programs to help new drivers learn the rules of the road and the states to enforce those rules. She showed this worked when in April Minnesota police officers gave out nearly 1000 citations for texting and driving. She ends her argument by saying that she believes it is possible to end texting and driving because in 1970 fewer then 15% of people worse seat belts but now 84% do where seat belts.

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