Tuesday, February 14, 2017

C.R.A.A.P Test

I found an article talking about how young people do not know how to detect fake news from real news. It was posted on November 23, 2016 so the information is current. All the links provided on the webiste work. The information relates to my topic and answers the question of why fake news is bad because in the studied they conducted the fake news stories they used were described as "a threat to democracy". The author is Camila Domonoske from NPR news so the article all ready seemed trustworthy. She also provided ways to contact her which gives this article even more reliability. The information provided is supported by a study lead by Sam Wineburg, a professor from Stanford University. The information provided on this website can be found with the links they provide to the actually study. The information is given to inform you and persuade you to start worrying about the increasing danger from fake news. This study done by Stanford showed that 80% of middle schoolers accepted "sponsored content" as real news. This was very surprising to the people involved in the study and they reported that young people must not know what "sponsored content" is. The information is meant to make you worry but at the same time does not really seem objective because the percentages are just so high.

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