Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Communities

The three discourse communities that I am a part of are the League of Legends, AUM guarantee, and the Dudeism communities. The League of Legends community is very....interesting. We have many slang terms that most people would not understand such as GG. GG is short for good game however it is rarely used for that meaning and is instead used sarcastically or to gloat. The AUM guarantee program is a very positive and motivational community. Everyone is very friendly and we try to remind others of important deadlines. I believe Dudeism is for everyone! If you have not heard of this religion then I am even more happy to talk about it! The main focus of this is to promote and to treat everyone to be kind and respectful to each other and to try to forget about the stresses in your life sometimes and relax with your fellow dudes.

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