Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Did I really say that?

I love to read but I hate reading out loud. I can read very fast in my head but when I read out loud for some reason I stutter, read slow, and in some cases read words incorrectly. This is exactly what happened to me in 8th grade and I am STILL getting made fun of for this. I still remember it vividly. We were reading a science article about whales and every time a student finished a paragraph they could pick the next student to read. I remember being mad at my friend Sydney because she called on me knowing that I hated reading out loud. Since I wanted to get it over with I tried to read very fast but I should have took it slow because one of the sentences read something like "This organism is one of the biggest in the ocean" but I made the huge mistake of saying "This orgasm is one of the biggest in the ocean". As soon as I said that everyone in the class started bursting out laughing even the teacher! I was pretty embarrassed with this but have definitely gotten over it though I will admit when one of my old friends mention it still makes me cringe a little.

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