Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cyber Security

I try to be very safe on the internet because one time I had viruses so bad on my computer I had to trash it and get a new one. Ever since then I realized how common viruses are and began being much safer online. I have about 4 different passwords I use for all my accounts but make sure to save the most complex ones for things such as my email address. I also bought a virus scanner and run it at least once a week but usually more then that. FYI be careful downloading free virus scanners sometimes those are viruses themselves! Sometimes I feel like I am to careful when it comes to cyber security as I refuse to update certain applications on my computer that I do not use often just because in the back of my head that "update" could be a virus. I know that this is most likely me just being paranoid but if I rarely use the application anyways it makes me feel safer. The TED talk today made interested me a lot especially when the speaker brought up the dark web and said you could buy viruses to help you hack into someone else's computer. I mean just think about it, you are downloading something from a person who literally creates viruses for a living!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Designer Babies

Today in class we had a discussion to where or not "designer babies". Many people in our class were against it and I do not understand why. Some of the arguments were the babies would be to smart and become narcissistic or lazy because they wouldn't have to try in school. I think this logic is flawed because these traits are not genetic and if your son or daughter becomes narcissistic or lazy it is the parents fault. For example if you notice your child is having no struggle in school and is getting straight A's without studying it is your job as a parent to nurture there intelligence and to push them to achieve greater things. Not only does this make them reach there max potential it will prevent them from becoming lazy. Another argument is saying that it is just plain out unethical to do this. But the same people who say it is unethical to do this say it is ok to do this if it is only used to prevent disease. This just makes no since to me because how can you think it is unethical when you admit you would use it yourself? If genetic modification was possible and affordable when I came of age to have a child I would definitely pursue it to help my child.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Possible Topics

"Depressed? There's an App for That" seems like a very good topic because I know I have certain apps on my phone that help me relax and it interests me that people are creating so many possibilities for apps. I could learn about how effective these apps are or how ineffective they are. I could learn if these apps are scams or not.  "Teens Hooked on Screens" is another topic that interests me because of how much time i realize the average teen is looking at a screen a day. Does doing this impact us negativity? Positively? Neither? Or maybe a little bit of both? I also think that the next generation of teenagers will probably spend even more time then us on screens. Another topic that interests me is "Digital Friendships" this topic interests me on a personal level because I have many digital friends that I have never met and would like to learn about why some people think these types of relationships are bad.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Clay Shirky Ted Talk

Clay Shirky had a great presentation and went over many issues. He went over how much time us humans have of free time and what we can accomplish with it if we work together. He uses the term cognitive surplus when referring to free time we spend on technological inputs. He states that we can use this time recreationally or productively. The example of Ushahidi is a perfect example of how we can use out cognitive surplus to help each other and keep each other safe with the help of the internet. The other example he uses is "lol cats" which are cute pictures of cats with captions that are meant to be shared to make people laugh. He touches on how fast things can grow by saying how Ushahidi was once only for one country but in only three years time became a global thing. He then goes on to say how we have an intrinsic motivation to do things without anyone telling us to do them. He shows a study that shows parents are more likely to pick there kids up late if there is a fine compared to if there is no fine. This makes no since at first but then you realize that if there is no fine the parents would probably feel more guilty if they did not pick up there kids on time compared to if they were charged a fee.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Mall Torture

When I was younger my mom and her boyfriend took me to the mall every weekend and I hated it because we never bought anything and we walked around all day and it made my legs hurt. Since I constantly complained about walking around the mall all day my mom found a way to keep me entertained and quiet. She began taking me to blockbuster every time we went to the mall so I could rent a video game and be happy. We started going to blockbuster before we went to the mall so I would be preoccupied with reading the game manual that is included with each game at blockbuster. I loved reading all about the game and imagining how fun it would be when I got home. The games I rented were mainly for my PS2 and because we went to the mall so often I was able to play a wide variety of games for it. Unlike now where I only get around 2-3 games a year for my Xbox. I remember loving games with complex stories and/or games that were very free roaming. I still love those types of games now but I really enjoy games that need good strategies. I think I love these types of games because of my imagination. Even now with my strategy games I make up my own unorthodox strategies that most people have never tried.