Thursday, January 26, 2017

Designer Babies

Today in class we had a discussion to where or not "designer babies". Many people in our class were against it and I do not understand why. Some of the arguments were the babies would be to smart and become narcissistic or lazy because they wouldn't have to try in school. I think this logic is flawed because these traits are not genetic and if your son or daughter becomes narcissistic or lazy it is the parents fault. For example if you notice your child is having no struggle in school and is getting straight A's without studying it is your job as a parent to nurture there intelligence and to push them to achieve greater things. Not only does this make them reach there max potential it will prevent them from becoming lazy. Another argument is saying that it is just plain out unethical to do this. But the same people who say it is unethical to do this say it is ok to do this if it is only used to prevent disease. This just makes no since to me because how can you think it is unethical when you admit you would use it yourself? If genetic modification was possible and affordable when I came of age to have a child I would definitely pursue it to help my child.

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