Monday, January 23, 2017

Clay Shirky Ted Talk

Clay Shirky had a great presentation and went over many issues. He went over how much time us humans have of free time and what we can accomplish with it if we work together. He uses the term cognitive surplus when referring to free time we spend on technological inputs. He states that we can use this time recreationally or productively. The example of Ushahidi is a perfect example of how we can use out cognitive surplus to help each other and keep each other safe with the help of the internet. The other example he uses is "lol cats" which are cute pictures of cats with captions that are meant to be shared to make people laugh. He touches on how fast things can grow by saying how Ushahidi was once only for one country but in only three years time became a global thing. He then goes on to say how we have an intrinsic motivation to do things without anyone telling us to do them. He shows a study that shows parents are more likely to pick there kids up late if there is a fine compared to if there is no fine. This makes no since at first but then you realize that if there is no fine the parents would probably feel more guilty if they did not pick up there kids on time compared to if they were charged a fee.

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