Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Possible Topics

"Depressed? There's an App for That" seems like a very good topic because I know I have certain apps on my phone that help me relax and it interests me that people are creating so many possibilities for apps. I could learn about how effective these apps are or how ineffective they are. I could learn if these apps are scams or not.  "Teens Hooked on Screens" is another topic that interests me because of how much time i realize the average teen is looking at a screen a day. Does doing this impact us negativity? Positively? Neither? Or maybe a little bit of both? I also think that the next generation of teenagers will probably spend even more time then us on screens. Another topic that interests me is "Digital Friendships" this topic interests me on a personal level because I have many digital friends that I have never met and would like to learn about why some people think these types of relationships are bad.

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